Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Greatest ally of Al-Qaeda....?

Osama bin-Laden has reportedly released a new audio tape, his first since mid-May, in which he has reportedly called upon Muslims to join him in waging 'Jihad' against Israeli attrocties in Gaza.

And you know what, a number of Muslims from that region, and elsewhere will respond to his call! Sometimes it is difficult to realize that the Bush government and Israel are at war with bin-Laden's Al-Qaeda! They have just provided the biggest new year's gift to them. They could not have dreamt of a better recruiting tool than this!

The influence of Al-Qaeda was on the wane in the middle-east and elsewhere. Even in Afghanistan, moderate factions of the Taliban were emerging who were willing to start negotiations with the US (probably already had started secret meetings). But with this war in Gaza, and its tremendous toll on civilians along with reports of attrocities and human-rights violations by the IDF and, of-course, the heavily one sided support expressed by the US government and a democtratic led congress, has provided a tremendous recruiting tool to these extremist fringes of the Muslim world.

Years of work by peace loving Muslims has been undone by this war and the disastrous policy of the blind, un-questionable support of the US administration and the congress. I hope 'President' Obama and 'Secretary' Clinton work fast after taking oath to undone (at least partially) the harm that has been done by this.

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