Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Stunning Post from Juan Cole - Ehud Olmert Claims to be Able to Order Bush Around

As per a recent post by Prof. Juan Cole (president of the Global Americana Institute, and a respected Professor of History at the University of Michigan), the following is an excerpt from the speech given by outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert speaking in Ashkelon on Monday:
"It transpired all of a sudden that a vote would be held in 10 minutes' time. I tried to find President Bush, and I was told he was attending an event in Philadelphia."
'I know that if somebody tried to find me on the phone right now, it would have to be something unusual and extraordinary for them to say: Leave it all and go to some room to talk to me. In this case, I said: I don't care, I have to talk to him right now.

He was taken off the podium and brought to a side room. I spoke with him; I told him: You can't vote for this proposal.
He said: Listen, I don't know, I didn't see, don't know what it says.
I told him: I know, and you can't vote for it!
He then instructed the secretary of state, and she did not vote for it.
It was a proposal she had put together, one she formulated, one she organized, one she maneuvered. It left her rather embarrassed, abstaining in the vote on a proposal she herself had put together. That was why the French and the Brits said she had pulled a fast one on them, she having been the one to spur them to submit the proposals." '

Click here to read the entire post.
It is stunning that a foreign head of state can openly state (in an official speech) that he actually controls the strings of the foreign policy of the 'lone super-power of the world', USA!

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